• topeb

It was revealed that China’s import of cowhide fell sharply in February, reaching its lowest level since last year.

In a recent report by the China Leather Association, it was revealed that China’s import of cowhide fell sharply in February, reaching its lowest level since last year. The report noted that the total import volume of cattle hides above 16 kilograms saw a 20% decrease in February compared to January, while imports fell by 25% overall.

This comes as a surprise to many, as China has long been one of the world’s largest importers of cowhide. However, analysts suggest that this decline is a result of a combination of factors, including the ongoing trade tensions between China and the United States, which caused a 29% decline in American cattle hide imports in January.

Moreover, there has been a growing concern in recent years about the environmental impact of cowhide production. Leather tanning and processing are resource-intensive industries that use significant amounts of water, energy, and chemicals. The production of leather from cowhide also generates a large amount of waste, including wastewater and solid waste, both of which pose a threat to the environment.

As such, there has been a push in some parts of China to reduce cowhide imports and promote the use of alternative materials in the leather industry. This includes a renewed focus on sustainable and eco-friendly materials, such as vegetable-tanned leather, cork, and apple leather.

Despite the decline in cowhide imports, however, the leather industry in China remains strong. In fact, the country is still one of the world’s largest producers of leather, with a significant portion of this production going towards exports. In 2020, for example, China’s leather exports reached $11.6 billion, making it one of the biggest players in the global leather market.

Looking forward, it remains to be seen whether this decline in cowhide imports will continue or whether it is merely a temporary blip. With ongoing global concerns about sustainability and environmental impact, however, it seems likely that the leather industry will continue to evolve and adapt, and that alternative materials will play an increasingly important role in the years to come.

Post time: Mar-29-2023